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samedi, 16 janvier 2010

Mumbai, un peu d'histoire

Je me suis demandé récemment pourquoi on disait que Bombay était formée de sept îles. Ca n’avait pas vraiment l’air d’être le cas sur les cartes. Et j’ai trouvé la réponse !!


1534 - Bombay islands were captured by the Portuguese.
1661 - The islands were gifted in the dowry to Charles II of England.
1668 - Charles II gave the islands to the East Indian Company on lease.
1708 - Bombay became the H.Q. of the East India Company.
- The islands were merged to shape one stretch.
- Suez Canal was opened and Bombay developed as an international port.
1947 - Bombay was declared the capital of Bombay state.
1960 - Bombay was made the capital of Maharashtra.
1995 - The name was changed to Mumbai after the goddess 'Mumbadevi'.


Source: http://www.mumbai.org.uk/history.html  

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